Hondata has had extensive tuning time with two wideband lambda meters, the PLX and the FJO. This does not replace dyno tuning, but augments it.
Using a wideband in on road conditions will enable more accurate fuel tuning. Another good reason to tune part throttle correctly. If you are running closed loop and your part throttle fuelling is incorrect, your full throttle fuelling will be affected. Typically you car will run leaner off the dyno than on by about 3/10ths of a point. Dynos do not accurately represent real world conditions like under-hood airflow at speed and RAM air effects. (poor fuel economy, roughness, stumbling) Very few dynos are capable holding a constant load for part throttle tuning.
Part throttle where you spend most of your driving time and is the most common area for complaints. Why use a wideband? Full throttle tuning only tunes 1/5th to 1/6th of the available map area. The article is written for the staged system (pre S300). Technical Information Wideband Tuning Note